Meditation Script

Stay relaxed and calm … Let the air caress your soft body … your hands … your face …

Inhale and through  exhalation let the wind carry the tension out of your body … Continue breathing normally and concentrate on relaxation of your body …

Notice where the tension is…

As you breathe imagine this part relaxing…

Let the feeling of relaxation fill your body …

Inhale peace … and relaxation …

Exhale tension …

Continue …

Breathe … slowly … deeply … calmly …

Take a deep breath and let the air of life spread all over your entire existence … all your being …


With the mind and the thought follow step by step the path and recognize the way through your body … energy and peace simultaneously…


Let the mind and the thought wake up with their own eyes … U can see a light … yes, imagine a light far away … where you have to go … where you will find your treasure … Focus your attention there … and you arrive … what a happiness !!!!!! You  arrived!!!!!!


In front of you … curtains, heavy white veils waving from the air … you are among them … you are trying to pass through and looking for an open end… bring them calmly to the side … and a light emerges in front of you … lots of light … and you become the wind … flying there … in your world … your refuge … your little secret and magical place …


Feel the light … the wind caressing you … and a sea is in front of you … is waiting for you … is calling you …

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Yes … here is serenity … sit by the sea and wait for each wave to come and cool your feet … your soul …

Yes … you are here full of power … determined …

You are your “needs”.. your “goals” …your “ambitions” … the love for life …

Every cell of your body gets life … but it also gains … serenity …

I want you to repeat loudly in your mind:


Right now I live … I really live …

I’m alive … strong … I have dreams … desires …


The horizon is in front of me … the endless horizon … without borders … a wave of freedom and infinity …

I am free … there are no borders …there is light … light …

I’m here … I’m happy …

I keep what I feel in my soul… I’m taking a photo with the eyes of my mind …

My own secret place will always be here …

I will never forget it…


Take a deep inhalation and leave this place…

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Slowly-slowly start looking for your body piece by piece …

Let your breath have its calm … its serene rhythm  …

Every breath is a small awakening …

The soles … the legs …the thighs …the pelvis … the trunk …the hands …the head … They are all  starting to realize where they are …


We take the way back to here … to where we are now … … in today …

Feel the serenity of this trip and thank yourself for today’s challenge …


I will count to 3 to return to your waking level of consciousness … .

  1. Inhale deep and exhale slowly
  2. One more deep inhalation and exhalation
  3. You feel calm … confident …your are full of confidence… … and you are rejuvenated .


Written by Kyriaki Solomonidou


Edited by Varvara Solomonidou

varvara low