AthensTrainers® organizes educational seminar about “Spine Corrector”.
The Pilates spine corrector is also known as “step barrel”, “Small Barrel”. It is a small, adaptable apparatus that can enhance your workout.
Strengthen and Stretch the Body Lines (front line, back line and side lines of the body)
Lengthen the spine and restore the spine’s natural curvature.
Align and mobilize the spine.
Improve your posture.
Challenge your core muscles in a different way, make the body strong and functional, able to cope with the demands of modern life.
Improve your lifestyle
Its curved surface adds a challenge and core muscles are activated more deeply than they usually in a mat repertoire.
The original spine corrector is wooden covered with leather. It has a step and 2 grips in order to prevent the barrel from slipping away during the execution of the inverted exercises. It can be used alone or in combination with other equipment. Some barrels have more acute curves suitable for trainees with flexible spine. Other barrels have elongated curves suitable for stiff trainees. The seat may be high or low. There are also spine correctors made of foam so they are light.
Dates: 2/3/2024, 10:00-18:00
Instructor: Solomonidou Varvara
This seminar is designed for Certified TEFAA Teachers, TEFAA Students, Physiotherapists and Graduates of corresponding Foreign Universities Recognized by the Greek State according to the Greek Legislation.
Information & Registration: 6950614115/