Frozen Yoga

Some years ago, when FROZEN YOGURT and HOT YOGA were trendy, I had an idea..going to Parnassos and practice….FROZEN YOGA…all my “yoga folks” dropped down the whole thing saying that yoga needs warm temperatures and etc …. I thought it would be fun for all of us that we do not participate in winter sports …

This latest incarnation of yoga is called snowga…or frozen yoga, as I had named it…  and it’s done outside in freezing temperatures in the snow, connecting to nature in winter and your own inner Nature. Breathe the cold, invigorating winter air and immerse yourself into this experience. Add to this a spa experience and a hot beverage that will warm the tip of your nose and your heart.It’s also really great for folks who participate in snowy sports like skiing and snowshoeing. Plus the ski poles double as handy yoga props.

In Bozeman, Mont., this winter, a company called Flow Outside began a twice-weekly class in which participants snowshoe to their destination as a warm-up, do about a half-hour of yoga, and then snowshoe home. Stowe Mountain Lodge in Vermont offers snowga (calling it Stowega) with both skiing and snowshoeing. And at Finger Lakes Yoga Escapes in Canandaigua, N.Y., an owner, Jennifer Hess, said snowga has been such a success that she plans to introduce a class at night, with headlamps.They even got the elusive Editor-in-Chief of Yoga Journal to comment on the phenomenon of yogis doing yoga in the snow…
“People who are passionate about practicing yoga want to do it everywhere — they’ll tell you yoga goes with everything,” she said.

And here I am, outside my house, in my garden trying some yoga poses…

Warrior II Pose / Virabhadrasana II

frozen 1

Chair Pose / Utkatasana

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Lord of the Dance Pose / Natarajasana

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Variation of Chair Pose

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Tree Pose / Vrksasana

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Half Pyramid / Ardha Parsvottanasana / TYPE: FORWARD BENDING POSES

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Wide-Legged Forward Bend / Prasarita Padottanasana / TYPE: Forward Bending Pose, Hip Opener Pose

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Varvara Solomonidou,Wellness Specialist, Personal Trainer, Seminar & Conference Lecturer, Pilates Master Trainer “AthensTrainers® Ultimate Pilates System®”, General Manager & Owner of AthensTrainers®

varvara low
