Dairy alternatives for lactose intolerant people

Being lactose intolerant means that you’ll have to find alternative sources of, for instance, butter, cheese, milk and ice cream so what can you eat? Below you’ll find a few alternatives:

Almond Milk

Almond milk has the look and feel of milk, although it has a nuttier taste, of course. It may contain less protein than regular milk, but it is still high in the nutrients calcium, fiber and vitamin D. Great for breakfast cereal or a milkshake with a nutty taste

Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is also popular and is more similar to full cream milk as it is denser than regular milk and full bodied.It may not be high in protein, but it contains a high amount of saturated fat, which should be avoided or limited depending on your genetic sensitivity and if you are looking to lose weight

Soy Milk

Probably the most commonly known one, it is very high in protein and a vegan option that contains many other nutrients such as potassium

Ice cream alternative

You can go for a lactose free variant, but it is also possible to make ice cream by blending bananas and berries as well as substituting sherbet.

Butter alternative

When cooking, choose to use olive oil and spread peanut butter or avocado on your toast in the morning

Cheese alternative

Cheese already has a significantly reduced amount of lactose that some people who are lactose intolerant can still digest. However, if you still find that eating fermented cheese with a lower lactose profile doesn’t work for you then you can purchase lactose-free cheeses. The fact is that nothing truly replaces cheese when you think of pizza and toasted sandwiches, but at least there is an alternative for everyone to enjoy. These cheeses are made from what the milk alternatives are made from as well.


To sum up,  if you still crave milk but your body can’t handle it there are a number of alternatives that are relatively available that are both nutritious and imitate milk so that you aren’t left craving it.

Source: www.dnafit.com