Live from your heart

“If you keep your armpits often, you won’t get depressed” B.K.S. Iyengar

Chest openers and backbends in yoga practice benefits the mind, body and soul. They relieve form the ceaseless benching of today- at work, in the car, while eating, in everyday chores and the list goes on. Opening the heart, moving your shoulders back, lengthening the front and back of the body, you alleviate pain in the back, neck and stiff shoulders while you improve your mood.

When the chakra of the heart or anahata chakra is open and its energy flows freely we become more compassionate and we connect better with the others reducing every tendency to deprivation and sadness. So I let my heart be a source of guidance and I connect with my heart. I am Love

A yoga practice focused on chest openers and backbends will let your heart be a source of inspiration and knowledge. One of the most important pose of this practice is the “Wheel” pose.

Wheel pose

Chakrasana or Urdhva Danurasana in Sanskrit means wheel or upward facing arrow. This asana gives flexibility to your spine.


  • Lay on your back with the feet hip distance apart, bend your knees and place your feet on the ground, as close as you can to your pelvis.
  • Bring your palms behind your shoulders with your fingers pointing at your feet and place your elbows shoulder distance apart
  • Inhale and lift your pelvis from the ground vertebra by vertebra and lift your spine, place the top of your head in the ground and readjust your palms to spread firmly on the floor
  • Stretch your hands and legs and activate your glutes so as your hips and chest lift as much as you can. Hold your feet parallel to each other and press their four sides actively into the floor
  • Focus your gaze at the tip of your nose
  • Hold the pose for 5-10 breathing circles
  • To release the pose bend your elbows, tuck your chin into your chest and lower your shoulders to the floor



  • Injured wrist, shoulder, neck, knee, lumbar spine
  • High or Low Blood Pressure
  • Eye problems
  • During menstrual circle or pregnancy


  • Strengthens the back, legs, glutes, shoulders, wrists and arms
  • Lengthens the abdominal and thoracic muscles
  • Expands the chest and increases lung capacity
  • Balances the thyroid gland
  • Improves stamina and willingness
  • Is revitalizing and anti aging
  • Suppresses depression and increase energy
  • Reduces osteoporosis, asthma and infertility
  • Turns your thoughts from “I” to “We”

Konstantina Bakara, Yoga & Pilates Instructor, AthensTrainers® Associate

Photo by Fotis Fotopoulos