Elastic bands have been used by physiotherapists for years to strengthen and treat injuries.
In Pilates the elastic bands are used either to increase resistance during an exercise or to make it easier.
There is a variety of elastic bands in the market, with different levels of difficulty in different colors, from the easiest to the most difficult: beige, yellow, red, green, blue, black, silver, gold. Thera-Band® is one of the most famous and most reliable companies, that provide elastic bands. Thera-Band® also provides matching handles for more comfort.
Training material:
The student receives a folder with informative material, pen, block and Pilates with Elastic Bands manual with photos.
Pilates with Elastic Bands Requirements:
The student must have Mat Program Level I Certificate.
Date: February 15, 2020 13:00-16:00
Instructor: Solomonidou Varvara
This seminar is designed for Certified TEFAA Teachers, TEFAA Students, Physiotherapists and Graduates of corresponding Foreign Universities Recognized by the Greek State according to the Greek Legislation.
Information & Registration: 6950614115/info@athenstrainers.gr
Click HERE for further information.