Lots of friends, mainly fb friends, asked me about the app I use during training for real-time heart rate monitoring . It’s POLAR BEAT. All the informations are from the official Polar site. You will find the links below. But while surfing in that site, I was very curious about Polar origins. And here you are…I am sharing the story with you…
Polar Origins
In 1975, the idea of portable heart rate monitors came into existence on a skiing track. At that time there was no way to accurately record heart rates during training. Just over a year later POLAR was founded, near the city of Oulu, Finland – a region renowned for its technological research and surrounded by some of the most challenging environments in Europe. The area was quickly identified as the perfect setting to test the company’s pioneering equipment to its limits.
In 1979 POLAR filed its first patent for wireless heart rate measurement and in 1982, launched the first ever wire-free wearable heart rate monitor, changing the way athletes trained forever. Now, over 30 years after that first moment of inspiration, POLAR provides the most comprehensive product range in the industry. From basic models that help motivate and inform beginners and regular exercisers, to providing complete training systems for world champions across numerous disciplines.
Make training personal with Polar Beat
Polar Beat is the best app for real-time heart rate monitoring.
– James A. Martin, cio.com
Want to burn calories? Beat your distance record? Choose a training target and let Polar Beat guide you.
Choose your favorite activity from 100+ sport profiles and get real-time voice guidance while you train. Track your distance and map your route with GPS.
Did your workout burn fat, increase strength or improve endurance? Analyze the effect of your training with Polar Beat. Get a quick overview or go in-depth in the free Polar Flow web service.
Share your training with friends, challenge them to beat your record or just spread the good vibes after an awesome workout.
Varvara Solomonidou,Wellness Specialist, Personal Trainer, Seminar & Conference Lecturer, Pilates Master Trainer “AthensTrainers® Ultimate Pilates System®”, General Manager & Owner of AthensTrainers®