Sunday on “Earth”…world family day

AthensTrainers® Team & Organization Earth invite you to the “Center of the Earth” on Sunday May 14th to celebrate Mother’s and Family’s day.

We will play in the nature, inhale the scent of the flowers, share our cooking talent and meet the “Center of the Earth”

Activity Program:
11:30 – 13:00 : Outdoor Activities by AthensTrainers®

Activities for all ages with  “Fit Smiling Kids” program! Information 

& registrations: 2102388275/ Free participation

11:00 – 14:00 : Collective Cooking on Sunday
We cook and eat healthy. Free participation

13:30 – 14:30 : A tour to the “Center of the Earth”
Learn about the organization and contribute to its actions. Participation: 5€/ Adult and 3€/ ChildrenFor more information about the oraniazation yoy can visit the site or facebook“Organization Earth”.