What is Dermoscopy?

Dermoscopy is a modern non-invasive diagnostic method. In dermoscopy, special lenses and electronic devices are used, able of enlarging and emitting polarised light so as to evaluate the special morphological characteristics of the lesions under examination (colour of the lesion, pigment pattern, etc.).

This method allows the early and safe diagnosis of pigmented lesions, especially moles-nevi and melanoma.


Skin moles are common, almost everyone has them. The presence of many moles, the cumulative excessive exposure to ultraviolet solar radiation, and the family history of melanoma constitute important factors to assess the risk of developing melanoma in patients with moles.

The greatest advantage of mole mapping is that it allows the detection of melanoma even at a very early stage. For the examination, which is the most effective method to detect cancer, a high-definition dermatoscope is used, as well as polarised light, which ultimately “maps” the body with perfect accuracy, focusing on the moles.


When should I have mole mapping?

If you belong in one of the following groups, mole mapping may be essential

  • Persons with multiple – dysplastic moles
  • Persons with a family or personal history of melanoma
  • Immunocompromised patients

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