Working out with semiball

Semiball, known as dynaso, fitdome or bosu is a  half-circle stability ball. You can use both surfaces, stable and unstable.

When the ball faces up, you can use it as a step, stand (with or without dumbbells), sit or lie  down on it,  for cardio and  core work out. When you turn it over you can perform  push-ups or planks. In order to keep from falling off the ball, you will have to maintain a good balance.


Best choice for your warm-up and cool-down routines,  great addition to any home gym.

It provides incredible balance, proprioception and muscle strengthening to beginners and advanced. It is ideal for women during pregnancy.

Using the semiball will make your workout more challenging, and it’s a great tool to mix things up.

Pilates exercises can be performed to a semiball, click HERE for further information.