Educational Programs
AthensTrainers® with “Fit Smiling Kids” has created special programs that will make children love exercise through play.
These programs have already launched to Private Schools and Cultural Centers with great success.

Our educational programs:
- Diet and exercise: The way to Success and Health – It is a theatrical and interactive program that reveal our little friends “the secret” of having a good health. Johnny Fitness & Jerry Berry teach children that a proper diet and exercise will lead them to success.
- The Dream Team of mythical heroes goes to the Olympic Games – Greek mythology heroes recruited and call our little friends to compete with them and learn about the Olympic Games! Children will learn about the Olympic Ideal through an audiovisual and interactive program!
- I protect myself and others around me – This educational program is like a “smart guide” that gives our children ways of protecting themselves and others in particular but everyday circumstances. The whole program is like a game show with audiovisual support that excites our little friends.
Fit Smiling Kids Team is ready to start this magical journey!!!
Some of our Collaborations:
- Hellenic World (Educational programs: Super Heroes, Space Stories, Matchbox)
- The Smile of the Child (Educational program: Diet and exercise)
- Ark of the World (Educational program: I protect myself and others around me)
- Game+ Knowledge Kindergarten (Educational program: Forest Junior Olympics)
- Petroupolis’ 5th Elementary School (Educational program: Diet and exercise)
- Salaminas’ Kindergarten (Educational program: I protect myself and others around me)
- Lampiri Schools (Educational program: Diet and exercise)
- International School of Piraeus (Educational program: Diet and exercise)